Monday, August 18, 2008

No Blue Ribbon

It was a hot weekend, I had to keep wet towels around me. I was in Enumclaw all weekend at the Dachshund Speciality and the Olympic Kennel Dog Show. It was great I stayed with my dog family in the RV for the weekend. My Mom came and saw me each day after I was done showing. I came in 4th Friday and Saturday and last place on Sunday. I hear news around the house that I will now be concentrating my field trials and earth dogging so this is good news for me I love to hunt. Mom also picked up scissors this weekend, and told me she will be grooming me until my Stylist Sabrina is back to work, I miss Sabrina but at least I have my Mom to try and clip my hair, hmmm I hope it goes O.K.

Wags and Licks